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Our Services

We never settle with bookkeeping.We provide business management services. ​

We never settle with regular audit and tax services. We provide strategic audit and tax services.

We strive to provide services that reaches far beyond your traditional accounting concept.

We will change your idea about “ACCOUNTING”.


In addition to providing online services with QuickBooks, the most popular accounting system in the United States, it is also possible to create a cloud accounting business consignment service that can be accessed from anywhere in the world by making the existing accounting system cloud-based. We also provide a company-specific information visualization service, the "Cockpit Panel," so that you can see the information you need for management when you need it.

Business Management / Cloud Accounting Outsourcing Service

Maintaining accurate accounting records is the first step in efficient business execution in all businesses. Without sufficient personnel and accounting knowledge, it will be difficult to maintain a high and efficient business standard, resulting in a lot of waste.

We help your business management department, or on your behalf, provide bookkeeping, wages, sales tax, sales tax, property tax and other filing documents, and complete cloud accounting services. More than just bookkeeping, we help you understand what your company is like.

  Business Management / Cloud Accounting Outsourcing Service
  Payroll Service

We provide comprehensive payroll services: Paycheck Issuance, Federal, State Payroll, Gross Up, and Year-end W to help you allocate your resources to the most strategic areas of business. -2 Issuing, etc.

  Preparation of local tax tax statements such as sales tax, consumption tax, property tax, city tax, etc.

In addition to income tax, there are various tax and filing obligations in the United States.


We prepare various tax returns and answer questions according to the complicated regulations that differ from state to city.


Income tax filing, tax effect accounting, transfer pricing service

In the United States, in addition to federal income tax, there are different tax laws by state. In other words, 50 different declarations are required for each state. From expert knowledge, including nexus studies on a state-by-state basisConsider the best tax filing for an individual, company, or partnership. We also witness, coordinate and negotiate tax audits as needed.

■  Personal tax filing

TOPC Potentia provides services to prepare federal income tax and state tax returns in the United States.

Major leaguers, company owners, and expatriates all need specialized knowledge in different fields. We give advice to major league players not only in taxation in the United States, but also in consideration of their retirement. We advise company owners on how to separate the company from the individual and how to optimize tax affairs. We will give advice to expatriates by stepping into double identification at the timing of their assignment and return.

Always think for your customers what is best for you. Our staff always thinks that way, filings and gives advice.

Tax law is constantly changing and becoming more complex in the United States, as it is said that changing presidents will change tax law. Companies have to adapt to that change with limited resources. To support such companies, TOPC Potentia offers the following services:

  • Preparation and review of federal and partnership income tax returns

  • Creating and reviewing income tax returns for state corporations and partnerships

  • Case studies that require expertise such as income apportionment to each state, nexus study, FIN 48 study, etc.

  • Support for calculating estimated federal and state income taxes

  • Information report of foreign companies

  • State and local franchise taxes, city taxes, etc.

■  Corporate / Partnership Income Tax Return
  Tax audit support

The difficulty of responding to tax audits sometimes comes under tremendous pressure. When the tax audit begins, the IRS requires a huge amount of documents. We start by analyzing your information and helping you analyze what works for your tax audit. By hiring a tax savvy expert like us, we can help you save you from the long, boring and costly tax audit process and maximize your profits as a result.

■  Transfer Pricing Survey Report

If a US company has a transaction with a foreign affiliate, you may need a report to prove that the transaction is valid, such as a transfer pricing survey. Transfer pricing research considers pricing of transactions between related parties. By applying and documenting various testing methods, we determine whether the transaction was fair and can withstand scrutiny from the IRS and other tax authorities.


In addition, the transfer price is now included in the accounting treatment of interest and fines related to corporate income tax uncertainty accounting treatment as described in FASB Interpretation No. 48 (currently FASB ASC 740) “Corporate Income Tax”. Is also required to be included.


In addition, starting with the 2010 tax year, companies with uncertain tax positions and assets of $ 10 million or more will be required to submit uncertain tax positions and will report accordingly.


We perform audit, review, or compilation of financial statements depending on the degree of assurance that you need and the purpose of the financial statements. We participate in the AICPA Peer Review Program with our latest inspection resulting in an unmodified opinion, the best quality result a firm can receive.

We are trained to understand Accounting, Tax, and Audit.

Audit, Review and Compilation
  Audit Engagement

We carry out audits in accordance with US auditing standards, but if requested, we also carry out audits in accordance with international auditing standards and We perform our audit engagement services in accordance with Auditing Standards Generally Accepted in the United States of America, or upon request, in accordance with International Auditing Standards. The external audit engagement process requires a qualified professional with knowledge of accounting and a broad understanding of business and finance to investigate and determine whether all assets, liabilities, equities, revenue, expenses and other items shown are actual, and that they are properly incurred, valued, and recorded. We also view our role in the financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide constructive comments for improving your company's internal control and accounting processes, while maintaining our independence. auditing standards.


We consider the role in the financial statement reporting process to be an opportunity to present analytical opinions to improve the internal control of the customer's business or the business management process.

 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Over 120 countries currently use IFRS, a number that is set to rise to around 150 countries. In many cases, IFRS reporting may be required to meet international reporting purposes. We offer IFRS reporting services, which include support for the implementation of IFRS compliance.


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